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Shop AllThinking Putty® and Land of Dough® pack a powerful sensory experience. Bright colors, calming scents, tactile exploration, and squishing noises are a few of the sensations these compounds contribute to fidget play.
Discover over 100 varieties of Thinking Putty® with 30+ different effects and explore individually handcrafted Land of Dough®!
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Thinking Putty® is non-toxic, won't dry out, and doesn't leave a sticky or slippery residue on your fingers, so it's great for play by kids and adults alike.
Land of Dough® is made of natural colors, glitter, and compostable packaging. Once the dough is mixed, the colors will combine into one vibrant hue that shimmers with glitter throughout.
Different compounds provide different types of play! Thinking Putty, Land of Dough, and other compounds like slime or sensory sand all have unique qualities. Check out the chart to learn some crazy compound facts!